Tuesday 23 March 2021

Similar Solids Brute Force

Preparing for end of term quiz goodness it appears that the chaps I've picked up this year have never been taught to work with similarity in solids.

Thrown this together - an endless supply of randomly generated questions - 6 through 10 harder than 1 through 5.

Easy to grab and project for a 5 minute review or to use for spaced repetition.

Hope it's of use to someone.

Similar Solids

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Identities (GCSE)

 Another topic I've found really hard to resource is identities - shame as it's a great skill to practice lots of different parts of algebra at once and comparing coefficients is a really useful skill to have in your locker going forward to A Level.

I've made this which has a few different phases (with/without brackets, single/double brackets) that I thought I'd share.

There's a bunch to the left of the sheet that look like the ones above and if you scroll to the right there's another bunch that are slightly easier (no/fewer brackets).

Everything randomly generated, so a limitless number of problems (and answers) - new every time you open.

Formatted to present nicely on a board just thrown up or as a screengrab.

Hope it's of use to some.

Identities Brute Force

Thursday 11 March 2021

Bounds & Limits

A mix of problems on limits of calculations.

Once you convinced them that a big number divided by a small number gives a big answer and vice versa I often find it quite hard to source questions on this skill when reviewing. 
So I've made this with a bit of variety to the formulae.
Again, a limitless set of problems - different Qs & As every time you open. 

Doesn't need printing - should be able to chuck/screengrab straight on the board. Perfect for spaced repetition/revision etc.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Proportion - Direct & Inverse Combinations

Proportion Combos Brute Force

Ah sweet sweet proportion,  the nemesis of many a student.

"Is that the fish thing sir?"

"You're damn right it is!!"

These combination problems with 3 variables, mixture of direct and inverse, seem to be really popular in exams but hard to find examples of - so I made this. 

Beside the exam game, the mixture of direct and inverse proportion is a good chance to practice distinguishing between decisions required for each.

Used this for short windows of spaced repetition in the weeks following teaching of the skill - 5 to 10 minutes of brute force maths every few lessons!

New questions & answers every time you open.

Proportion Combos Brute Force

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Sub & Solve - Brute Force


I think this is about my 4th blog (surprisingly, "menwholovthesignbyaceofbase.com" was wholly unsuccessful). 

After doing this teaching lark for many years, it's come to the front of my mind that there are two things that unlock self confidence in kids with maths: a strong grasp of ratio and the ability to confidently sub & solve.

With that in mind, I want to practice that skill (and skills like it) regularly in small chunks. Do you know what, I think this spaced repetition thing is going to be big - mark my words.

We've started to term this "brute force" in my classes - 5 minutes every 3rd, 4th, 5th lesson or whatever - just baking in crucial tactics. 

Ah, but where's the engagement? Where's the pizzazz? 
I'm not sure it needs it - the kids love this. It makes them feel clever. It convinces them that there's always going to be another chance to improve - that if they try, they won't get left behind. 

​So I'm sharing it here in case it (or things like it) is of use to anyone else.

Every time you open this it will randomly generate new questions (and answers).
No printing required - just chuck it on the board. 

There are 3 options - always substituting, always substituting and solving or a mixture of the two.

Mind how you go.

Similar Solids Brute Force

Preparing for end of term quiz goodness it appears that the chaps I've picked up this year have never been taught to work with similarit...